
Friday 5 July 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🧜‍♀️

Today we had no plans, so I relaxed and stitched.

And this was my view for some of the afternoon, Nathan had the troublemakers for a while. Although it looks like Maximus is giving me the stink eye for not being able to play with my floss. 

I decided I wanted her purple instead of blue, so I changed her up and used my glittery Etoile for the first time. It's a little hard to see, but it's there!

Have you used any Etoile yet? What did you use it for?


  1. Oh, yet another adorable stitch with a mermaid!! I love her purple hair and I never even heard of Etoile!

  2. I can see the sparkle! How cute she is! I have not used this, but this is perfect.

  3. What a picture Astrid. Looks like a fun place to stitch.


  4. Astrid: I do like the purple glitter thread.
    I love the cat, yes it looks like you are getting the stink eye.
    Nathan is so handsome.


  5. Love your mermaids! I have used etoile for Christmas stitching. It worked okay for me.

  6. Maximus looks like he should be looking at you over the top of a pair of glasses. Priceless!
    Your little mermaid is lovely, especially with the Etoile. I am planning to use Etoile on some Christmas designs later in the year. Normal metallics would have been too bold but the this will give them a subtle sparkle. :)

  7. Glittery purple does suit your little mermaid.
    Nathan looks happy to be having a cuddle with the furries.

  8. Lovely mermaids! I have not tried the Etoile yet. Nothing I have calls for it so I'm not spending the money LOL

  9. That was nice of Nathan to distract the cats for a bit haha. You are close to a finish on your beautiful piece. I love the sparkly purple. No I haven't used it yet. I also love your mermaid blanket.

  10. You have a great helper taking care of the kitties! I have not tried that floss but your summer piece is adorable!

  11. Cutie mermaid. Our local needlework shop stocks Etoile threads but I haven´t been tempted yet, maybe come Christmas

  12. Good of Nathan to keep the troublemakers busy for you!
    That mermaid is so cute ..... I love the colours you have used.
    Yes, I have used Etoilé, in my Christmas stitching last year. I found it stitched very well but to be perfectly honest I’m not sure it was glittery enough, although it finished nicely. What do you think?
    Barbara xx


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

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