
Friday 5 April 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🛋

Today was a stay at home and do stuff around the house day. But at least DH was home for most of it and we had lunch together, which was nice.

So this evening, I'm still working on Flower Frenzy. I just have the border flowers to do, then I'm looking forward to getting back to Gathering Honey at least for a little while before something else has to be stitched!

Do you ever have something you HAVE to stitch on while all you want to do is stitch something else? I don't just mean this project, there have been others I've had to stitch and just wanted it to be done!


  1. For sure, I think that happens to all of us. Then at other times , I hate to finish a design that I am really liking.

  2. Yes, me too! I feel quite lost when I come to the end of one project, until I remember all the others waiting to be finished and decide on the next in line.
    Looks like Flower Frenzy is nearly finished?
    Barbara xx

  3. Looks like you will be done with Flower Frenzy this weekend Astrid. I have that happen all the time. A piece I have to work on! I get frustrated!

  4. This happens to me a lot! Your Flower Frenzy is very pretty and looks like it will go fast!

  5. Yes I have that a lot but then most the time I'm glad I stuck with it. Beginning of this week I noticed I was just tired of stitching in general so I took a little break and then I was really happy to be back at it again. Hope you get the HAVE to piece done so the WANT to piece can be worked on again.

  6. Your Flower Frenzy looks great! I do have pieces that I dread taking out of the WIP Box but usually once I start working on them I enjoy them again!

  7. It's very pretty Astrid. I have stitched alot of things that I just don't want to end but now and then some come up that are not fun at all. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  8. Yes, something newer and more appealing always seems to come along in the cross stitch world, especially after Nashville!! I think that must happen to most of us. YOur flower frenzy is looking very pretty and I bet you were relieved when that border met up!!

  9. Funnily enough, it was Gathering Honey for me! It was not my usual style but I'd promised a friend I would stitch it for her. It was lovely when it was finished.


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
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