
Saturday 19 January 2019

Snow much fun! ❆ ☃

Last Sunday, four inches of snow turned into just under ten inches at our house... snow day for Nathan on Monday!
There was a wide range in our area, in one direction it was as high as 13", and then as low as 5" the other direction.

I love watching it snow, it makes everything look so pretty. The hibiscus must like it too because it started blooming.
This was my stitching view while in the front room.

No more ugly winter trees.

I guess the snow was a little heavy, or our snowman was snow drunk and passed out!

As it melted, it looks like we had snow snakes, or worms.

And finally, a finish for this little guy, Flurry, from the Mill Hill Snowbells.
I tried using Wisper for the pom-pom on the hat, but it didn't fluff up very much. I also added the little bell.

Although we're under a winter weather advisory today, it's more likely to be sleet and freezing rain than snow. Then winds and flash freezing on Sunday. Darn, I wanted more snow! But after last weekend, who knows what to expect. I'm sure it's changed already!


  1. What a cute little finish. We just got blanketed with 6 inches of the white stuff. It sure is pretty.

  2. Beautiful pictures. We got 4 inches last weekend. Probably already have that much now. Supposed to get strong winds later and BRUTAL cold. So stitching weekend it is. Wohoo!

  3. Congrats on the adorable finish Astrid. Perfect for your snow outside which is gorgeous.


  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely snow! But when it does melt, it makes some interesting lumps sometimes. Your snowman is adorable! Perhaps he will weather the storm better than your outdoor one ahaha

  5. The snow looks beautiful and your snowman is just adorable. I really like him so much. Happy New Year Astrid. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  6. Perfect cute stitch for the snowy day! Those flowers look like a bright spot in a dreary day but I love how your yard looks with the freshly fallen snow, wel except for the drunk snowman! LOL

  7. Love the stitchy snowman with his teeny bell!
    Gorgeous pictures of the snow, as long as we don’t have any I’m happy!
    Poor drunk snowman!
    Barbara xx

  8. What a sweet little finish! The snow looks so pretty. We have not had one flake this winter. My DH is happy about that.

  9. That's a lot of snow! We had ten minutes worth earlier this week!
    Love the stitched snowman, that's the kind I like.


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

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