
Thursday 14 September 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Tonight I asked Gman2 what he was thankful for. He said, "You." Awe! I asked why and he said because I do stuff for him. Not much detail there!
But we did go see IT last week, maybe that was part of it?

How about you, what is your child or children (young or old) or even grandchildren, thankful for?


  1. Unfort The Large Boy isn't here at the moment or I'd ask him! He'd say something nice because it's his Birthday next week and he knows what's good for him LOL

  2. Well,I did not ask her but my daughter is going through a tough time right now so I imagine she is thankful for the support we are giving her.

  3. I suspect my son if thankful that I managed to pack his life, a kitchen, a bedroom and an x box and screen in three suitcases as he wings it over to the uk to university.

    I'm thankful I survived it!

  4. I cannot ask them (OK, I can, but they probably won't respond) but my cats might be thankful we feed them and provide them with numerous soft surfaces for their terribly strenuous naps!

  5. Having a catch up read, so way behind.......
    Touch - i'm thankful for the touch of my hubby when he holds my hand to comfort me as i'm feeling yeuck after taking the nasty meds/side effects recently.
    Happy birthday to GMan1's GF - what a lovely chap he is to make such delightful gifts for her.
    G Man 2 - is a sweetie being thankful for you ... I guess my daughter might say the same.
    Wishing your boys well in their studies this year.

  6. How sweet. My son would say he's thankful for everything haha. He appreciates it all.


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
FYI - If you don't have an email address listed, I can't respond to you directly. You can always email me your email address if you don't want it out there for all to see!