
Saturday 5 January 2013

"Old" Friends, New Treasures

Ignore me, I was dressed for punk day at school in the '80's - but how adorable is this little chick?  This is Karen, a sweetheart of a little girl who has turned into a wonderful, wonderful friend.  Nathan and I went to visit her last summer, here's our adventure.

This was in her early stages of crafting, I still have them after all these years.

Now that she's all grown up, she's gotten a little more sophisticated in her crafting!  This is what I received from her for my Christmas goodies -
this amazing beaded bracelet, I love it!  The colours in it look like it goes with anything, so I'll be able to wear it a lot.  I make bracelets too, but nothing like this, very dainty!

And this is a wonderful wrap with a dragon on one pocket and my initial on the other.  Another love!  I know it looks pink in the bottom picture, but it's actually a beautiful coral.  Now I don't have to wear my robe all day to stay warm!
Even Nathan got a treat from his four legged buddy, Henry.  It's candy cane dust, and I think we'll be making vanilla ice cream today to try it out - yum!

Now this beauty is not mine, but one she made if for her Mom for Christmas.  It's Dasher and you know what comes next... Dancer, Prancer...
I think she did a fantastic job and she said her Mom cried when she opened it.  No surprise, I would too!
Now where are her gifts from me?  Silly question, I still have to "finish" it and send it.  It's actually done but not finished and I'm not quite sure how I want to do it.  That's always the hardest part for me.  Anyway, I will be working on that this week.  Be patient, Karen, I hope it will be worth the wait!  Thank you so much for my gifts, I will treasure them always.  Love you girlfriend, can't wait until we can our crafty selves together again.


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
FYI - If you don't have an email address listed, I can't respond to you directly. You can always email me your email address if you don't want it out there for all to see!