
Tuesday 13 December 2011

Jingle Bell Walk for Arthritis & a gift!

Last weekend, we did the Jingle Bell 5K Walk/Run for Arthritis.  We walked for my Mom, who has had rheumatoid arthritis for over 30 years.  We were "Oma's Angels", and wore our halos proudly - at least the boys did for the picture!  We could have gone this past weekend in Baltimore, but chose to walk around the lake near us instead.  We actually ended up walking on my parents 51st wedding anniversary, so I thought it was appropriate.  We had a beautiful day, just a little chilly, but nice and sunny.  We saw the Grinch and his "reindeer" Max - too cute!  I met up with an old work friend, Diane, so that was an added bonus.

 I'm not sure how many people were there, but it was pretty busy.  We ended up at the very back and hadn't gotten very far before we could already see the runners on the other side of the lake.

The weather at the time was warm for this time of year - many days in the 60's.  So why wouldn't the cherry blossoms start to come out?!  Of course it's cold now, just waiting on some snow to go with it!

I guess you can see the leisurely pace we took for the walk, but it was well worth it!  I plan on making this a yearly event, hopefully get more family and friends to join us on our Oma's Angels team.

Now this adorable ornament was given to me by my stitching buddy, DJ.  I LOVE IT!  When Nathan saw it, he thought it was for him... sorry, I'm not sharing this one!  Our tree isn't up yet, but I think it looks nice next to our little ceramic one for now. 
She knows how much I love dragons and made me this teacup dragon when I won her PIF.  I'm not sure she knows what she started, but bring it on!  
So thanks again, DJ, you always do such beautiful, delicate work and I'm so happy to receive your loving stitches!  Hugs to my very special stitchy friend.


  1. I love the photos of your walk, the lake looks so beautiful and all in a good cause.

  2. ooooo loved your walk and we have a tree near us and the cherry blossom is out on it !!! and DRAGONSSSSSSSS .. lovely ... I've got all DD yearly series to do and the tempest and one or two more .... mmmm need more hours in the day :) love mouse xxx

  3. What a beautiful day for your walk, Astrid. Happy Belated Anniversary to your parents. :D

    Love the pictures. :D

  4. Maybe next year I can walk with you! So sorry that your Mother suffers from that awful disease...but what a great thing you did in her honor! I love stitching for my friends who appreciate it! *Hugs*


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
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